Sunday, January 4, 2009


What a storm! It was one of the most dramatic events in the history of mankind when it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and the earth opened up and all the springs of water flowed to the top. This was the time that God flooded the earth to destroy sinful men. But Noah and his family were righteous so God told them to build an ark so that they would be safe from the storm that was coming. When Noah, his family and all the animals were in the ark, God shut the door and they were sealed in. Then it rained and water poured out on the earth from the springs while the ark and it's precious cargo floated safely, guided by the hand of God and protected from the water that destroyed every other living thing. Noah and his family did not avoid the storm but they were sheltered from its devastating effects. No doubt they were swirled and tossed around on top of the water, but they escaped death.

Jesus promised us peace if we put our trust in him. Storms of unrest may rage around us but in the midst of it all God's anchor holds and we can be saved from the devastation and have his peace in our hearts. So let's do what he tells us to do today and experience the peace of God even in the midst of a storm.

Robert Prins Auckland - Pakuranga - (NZ)

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